designed by occupational & physical therapists

rehab facilities

Our sensory therapy gyms are expertly designed to seamlessly integrate into any rehab facility, no matter the space or budget. With customizable options and cost-effective solutions, we make it possible for every practice to offer cutting-edge therapeutic experiences.

explore why top rehab facilities work with us

experience our free

see how our structure fits in your space

design your
own perfect
sensory gym.

customized for your needs

Witness your
space being

envision your next therapy session

from an idea, to a reality

brooklyn autism center

Witness the amazing transformation from a dismal sensory space to a NEW state-of-the-art sensory therapy gym.

take a look

easily incorporate your own equipment

Endless Options

Clients love the versatility that comes with a Summit Gym. Our designs include endless connection points that allow you to shop anywhere for accessories you want to use.

before & after