BREAKING NEWS: Summit Sensory Gym Utilizes Vuforia, an Industry Leading Enterprise Augmented Reality Platform.

Our partner, PTC is the only company in the market today that has a comprehensive, scalable enterprise AR solution suite. The breadth and depth of Vuforia AR technology and capabilities ensure that Summit Sensory Gym can provide the best solutions to solve their client’s sensory gym design objectives and challenges.

How Vuforia View Works

Vuforia View works by tracking in your real-world space where to launch and anchor the AR content. There are different tracking methods depending on the AR-enabled device and how the AR experience was designed itself.

When using Vuforia View on a mobile device, the app uses your device’s camera to not only track but also to allow you, the user, to view AR content on your device’s screen. Essentially, when you are viewing an AR experience in the View app, you are looking at your real-world space from the camera’s perspective in which the View app also overlays the AR digital content onto that perspective. You can manually select digital items directly on the device’s screen.

Summit Sensory Gyms are specifically designed to help children enjoy guided play that promotes cognitive-behavioral, and social skills and enhances motor development. When combined with other therapies, a sensory gym can amplify results by reinforcing the treatment of sensory disorders. Our sensory gyms continue to increase independence, eases stress in social situations, and raise tolerance to new sensations coming from the body and the environment.

Regardless of whether your child has unique needs, a Summit Sensory gym promotes skill and developmental growth for all ages. Our equipment is designed to provide proprioceptive and vestibular sensory input — swings, trampolines, therapy balls, etc. The use of our sensory gyms will help let your child reach their highest potential in the comfort of their own home. In general, we recommend our clients also incorporate individual therapy services. Certified therapists will help to ensure children feel comfortable and have fun while working on their fine and gross motor development amongst many others.