Obtaining funding for special education departments within schools across the United States can be challenging due to several reasons. First, special education services are often underfunded, leading to limited resources for these departments. Second, the high cost of specialized equipment and materials required to provide therapy services can be a barrier to accessing funding. Third, competing priorities within school budgets can make it difficult to allocate sufficient funds to special education departments.

Summit Sensory Gym - Download Funding Letter Template

Despite these challenges, there are several ways in which special education departments can make a compelling argument for a school to purchase a Summit Sensory Therapy Gym Structure:

  • Highlight the Need: Special education departments can make a strong argument for a sensory therapy gym by highlighting the need for this equipment in their school. They can present data on the number of students who require sensory therapy services and the limited resources currently available. They can also provide testimonials from students, parents, and teachers who have seen the benefits of sensory therapy.
  • Demonstrate the Benefits: Special education departments can demonstrate the benefits of a Summit Sensory Gym by presenting research on the positive outcomes of sensory therapy. They can also provide case studies of students who have benefited from sensory therapy, showing how it has improved their behavior, academic performance, and overall well-being.
  • Emphasize Cost-Effectiveness: Special education departments can emphasize the cost-effectiveness of a Summit Sensory Gym by highlighting the long-term savings that can be achieved through early intervention. By providing therapy services early on, students may require less intensive and costly services in the future, ultimately saving the school money.
  • Collaborate with Other Departments: Special education departments can collaborate with other departments, such as the physical education department, to make a joint case for a sensory therapy gym. By highlighting the benefits of sensory therapy for physical fitness and overall health, they can appeal to a wider range of stakeholders within the school.
  • Seek Out Funding Sources: Special education departments can seek out funding sources beyond the school budget, such as grants or donations from local businesses or organizations. By demonstrating the need and benefits of a Summit Sensory Gym, they may be able to secure external funding sources to supplement the school budget.

In summary, obtaining funding for special education departments within schools can be challenging, but there are ways to make a compelling argument for a Summit Sensory Gym. By highlighting the need, demonstrating the benefits, emphasizing cost-effectiveness, collaborating with other departments, and seeking out funding sources, special education departments can make a strong case for purchasing a sensory therapy gym within their school.


Summit Sensory Gym State-of-the-art freestanding sensory gym designed to be used in a commercial setting. Summit Sensory Gym works with some of the largest organizations in the world that provide pediatric therapy services. Our clients include; hospitals, schools, ABA clinics, pediatric therapy clinics, recreation centers, stadiums, non-profits, and so many more. Learn more about our sensory gyms at
The Star Institute's preferred sensory equipment provider. Summit Sensory Gym State-of-the-art freestanding sensory gym designed to be used in a commercial setting. Summit Sensory Gym works with some of the largest organizations in the world that provide pediatric therapy services. Our clients include; hospitals, schools, ABA clinics, pediatric therapy clinics, recreation centers, stadiums, non-profits, and so many more. Learn more about our sensory gyms at
American Occupational Therapy Association's most trusted sensory gym equipment provider. Summit Sensory Gym State-of-the-art freestanding sensory gym designed to be used in a commercial setting. Summit Sensory Gym works with some of the largest organizations in the world that provide pediatric therapy services. Our clients include; hospitals, schools, ABA clinics, pediatric therapy clinics, recreation centers, stadiums, non-profits, and so many more. Learn more about our sensory gyms at

Summit Sensory Gyms are specifically designed to help children enjoy guided play that promotes cognitive-behavioral, and social skills and enhances motor development. When combined with other therapies, a sensory gym can amplify results by reinforcing the treatment of sensory disorders. Our sensory gyms continue to increase independence, eases stress in social situations, and raise tolerance to new sensations coming from the body and the environment.

Regardless of whether your child has unique needs, a Summit Sensory gym promotes skill and developmental growth for all ages. Our equipment is designed to provide proprioceptive and vestibular sensory input — swings, trampolines, therapy balls, etc. The use of our sensory gyms will help let your child reach their highest potential in the comfort of their own home. In general, we recommend our clients also incorporate individual therapy services. Certified therapists will help to ensure children feel comfortable and have fun while working on their fine and gross motor development amongst many others.